About the teacher
The teacher of the Education Center Stephanie Perret has been studying the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 2016. Fascinated by this new knowledge and its practical use, Stephanie has participated in numerous seminars on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 2016 under the direction of Vyacheslav Konev and Marina Morozkina. The passing on of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi is today at the center of her individual and group support.
The teacher of the Education Center Stephanie Perret has been studying the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 2016. Fascinated by this new knowledge and its practical use, Stephanie has participated in numerous seminars on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 2016 under the direction of Vyacheslav Konev and Marina Morozkina. The passing on of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi is today at the center of her individual and group support.
Sujets des prochains webinaires programmés
Webinaires à la carteTexte 2A: Enseignement de Grigori Grabovoi sur l’Amour. 25.07.2003
- Samedi 1er mars 2025 de 13:30 à 19:00.
Enseignante Stéphanie Perret
Texte 2B: Enseignement de Grigori Grabovoi sur l’esprit, méthode pour créer spirituellement la matière du 7.10.2003
Enseignante Marie-Laure Avenier
Texte 2C: Enseignement de Grigori Grabovoi sur le Salut global et le développement harmonieux. Juin 2001. Extrait choisi : Le salut et la structuration de la conscience pour la prévention d’une catastrophe globale. La méthode de construction d’une réalité dynamique. La conscience comme système de pilotage.
Enseignante Anne-Claire Van PetegemTexte 2A: Enseignement de Grigori Grabovoi sur Dieu. Les lois fondamentales du Monde et la foi dans la vie éternelle assurée. 18.10.2017.
- Dimanche 2 mars 2025 de 13:30 à 19:00.
Enseignante Stéphanie Perret
Texte 2C: Enseignement de Grigori Grabovoi sur le Salut global et le développement harmonieux. Juin 2001. Extrait choisi : Le pilotage du Salut. Comment piloter par sa conscience grâce à la construction de ses cellules parallèlement au pilotage de toute la réalité extérieure.
Enseignante Anne-Claire Van Petegem
→ Plus d'informations
Renseignements et inscriptions auprès de Stéphanie Perret
par téléphone au +41 76 415 06 85 et
par email à stephanie.perret@fleurs-d-eveil.com
Grigori Grabovoi's teaching on Love, soul, and spirit with the 25 interconnected PRK-1U
This program is an appointment with yourself, an appointment of presence, an acceleration of your development through the activation and amplification of your interaction with Love, with your soul and your spirit.
It is the opportunity for immersion in the information field and the knowledge of eternal life. Feel, understand, be and act to create, transform and control the events of your Life: in your body which regenerates and rejuvenates, in your daily life where harmony is established spontaneously, in your projects which take shape in their most beautiful ways achievements, for the harmonious development and global salvation of the Earth and all.
Together, with personalized support, we co-create your reality of eternal life in the present.
It takes place in your heart, your physical body and even in your entire Life!
We look forward to accompanying you in a new look at your being and your reality at the heart of eternal life.
Review and testimony:
In person with pleasure, I share with you what the experience of living 10 days of face-to-face seminar in Belgrade in December 2019 brought me, of organizing and teaching five remote webinars since 2021, and what I motivates us to pass it on to you in this exceptional context. Welcome to contact me to discuss this!
In person with pleasure, I share with you what the experience of living 10 days of face-to-face seminar in Belgrade in December 2019 brought me, of organizing and teaching five remote webinars since 2021, and what I motivates us to pass it on to you in this exceptional context. Welcome to contact me to discuss this!
Renseignements et inscriptions auprès de Stéphanie Perret
par téléphone au +41 76 415 06 85 et
par email à stephanie.perret@fleurs-d-eveil.com
Renseignements et inscriptions auprès de Stéphanie Perret
par téléphone au +41 76 415 06 85 et
par email à stephanie.perret@fleurs-d-eveil.com