Teachers of webinars with 23 PRK-1U devices
Webinars with 22 PRK-1U devices Marina Morozkina

Marina Morozkina

About the teacher
The teacher of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi - Marina Morozkina.
She's been studying the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 1992.
She's had great experience in passing on the knowledge from the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 1995. Experience in teaching the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi since 2000.
She has higher medical education.
She has a great number of results from using Grigori Grabovoi’s technologies in controlling for events and health, registered in the form of international certificates.

Webinar topics
Webinars are scheduled for every weekend in Russian with translation into the language of groups.
For any questions and to register, write to the contacts below.

It is possible to read any of the lectures from the Education Program of Grigori Grabovoi

Scheduled upcoming webinar topics:
  • 07.09.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Evolution of the Soul and Consciousness to ensure eternal life for the physical body” (01/27/2016)
  • 08.09.2024 "The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Evolution of Spirit and Consciousness to ensure eternal life for the physical body” (01/28/2016)
  • 05.10.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Development of Consciousness to the level of ensuring eternal life for the physical body” (01/29/2016)
  • 06.10.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Simultaneous development of Soul, Spirit and Consciousness to the level of ensuring eternal life for the physical body” (01/30/2016)
  • 09.11.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi about God. Acceleration of the evolution of the external world to ensure eternal life”
  • 10.11.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi About God. Method of universal control” (09/18/2004)
  • 14.12.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi About God. Transformation of Human Consciousness through the Consciousness of God” (01/21/2005)
  • 15.12.2024 “The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi About God. Creation of a positive control area” (02/08/2005)


Семинар с 23 ПРК-1У (22 ПРК-1У + 1 ПРК-1УМ) в Белграде
с 16 по 25 августа 2024 года
участвовать можно от 1 до 10 дней
— семинар на русском языке
— преподаватель: Марина Морозкина

Темы семинара:
1. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Создание Вечности 4 февраля 2004 года
2. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Управление в области Вечности 6 апреля 2004 года
3. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Встречное Движение Вечности 7 июля 2004 года
4. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Расширение личности человека в Вечность. 3 февраля 2005 года
5. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Создание структуры Вечности 16 марта 2005 г
6. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Реализация фактора Вечности 23 марта 2005 года
7. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Управление вечностью 24 марта 2005 года
8. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Преобразование Вечности 30 марта 2005 года
9. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Создание пространства вечности и времени вечного развития 24 июня 2005 года
10. Учение Григория Грабового о Боге. Управление Вечности 4 октября 2005 года

Please email a participation request or any questions that you might have to Marina Morozkina at edu.elandhd.22prk1u@gmail.com

More about webinars
You will learn how human consciousness is involved in maintaining the health of the physical body, about the mechanism of interaction between the soul, spirit, consciousness, and the human body. Since in order to implement eternal life, a person needs to develop all his structures so that they act according to the world’s fundamental laws, the major work at the seminar will be carried out on the lectures of Grigori Grabovoi, in which the world’s fundamental laws are examined from different perspectives.

Also, working with the devices allows participants to regenerate themselves. Intensive training of consciousness, which is provided by the operation of the 22 interconnected PRK-1U devices, allows to take a person to such a level when the volitional effort of consciousness permanently keeps the person’s physical body healthy. With developed consciousness, the human body becomes virtually indestructible.

For human consciousness, it is important that in the process of control, a person receives tangible, noticeable results. The positive experience of such work strengthens a person’s faith in himself and allows to perform further control of any events more efficiently and at high speed.

Marina Morozkina's review of the seminar with 14 PRK-1U devices

Please email a participation request or any questions that you might have at edu.elandhd.22prk1u@gmail.com