PRK-1U cihazının sertifikaları

Certificate from the "Idvorsky Laboratories" of compliance of the device PRK-1U with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations
Certificate from "Vinča Institute" of compliance of the device PRK-1U with safety requirements
CE certificate of conformity of PRK-1U with the provisions of the European Union Directive (LVD) (2014/35/EU)

PRK-1UM cihazının sertifikaları

The name of the utility model according to paragraph 54 of the description:
Ein Gerät zur Entwicklung der Konzentration mit drei Modi.
(Device for development of concentrations three-mode)
Extended title of the utility model according to claim 8 of the description:
Konzentrationsgerät für ewiges Leben PRK-1UM Dreimodusgerät
(Device for concentrations for eternal life three-mode)
Utility model number:
DE 20 2024 103 073 U1
Application filing date:
June 10, 2024.
Registration date: December 13, 2024.
Publication date in the Patent Bulletin: January 23, 2025.

Registration of the PRK-1UM device as a utility model

Grigorii Petrovich Grabovoi registered the "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1UM three-mode" in the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) as a utility model.
When registering, the control principle was used that expands the name of the technical device to the name containing the function for eternal life.
"The device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1UM three-mode" refers to the modification of the "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-mode", which is written in abbreviated form in the letter "M" (Modified). Therefore, it is also protected by the patent for invention issued to Grigori Grabovoi by the US Patent and Trademark Office on November 19, 2024 with priority from July 9, 2018, since this patent simultaneously with the protection of the PRK-1U, protects in accordance with the description of the patent, also the modifications of the PRK-1U.

ISO Sertifikaları

İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi Belgesi ISO 45001:2018 ( about ISO 45001:2018)
Kalite Yönetim Sistemi Belgesi ISO 9001:2015
( about ISO 9001:2015)
ISO 13485:2016'ya göre tıbbi cihazların uygunluğuna ve EN ISO 13485 gerekliliklerine göre imal edildiğine dair PRK-1U sertifikası (about ISO 13485:2016)
Çevreyi koruyan ISO 50001:2018 Enerji Yönetim Sistemleri Belgesi (about ISO 50001:2018)
Uluslararası Bilgi Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemi Standardı ISO 27001:2013 Sertifikası ( about ISO 27001:2013)
Çevre Yönetim Sistemleri Belgesi ISO 14001:2015 (about ISO 14001:2015)