Buluş patentinin başlığı:
Patent No.:
US 12,144,599 B2
Patent Tarihi:
19 Kasım 2024
Geçici patent başvurusu önceliği:
9 Temmuz 2018
Patented devices and methods for ensuring eternal life for everyone through the development of concentration.
For acceleration of achieving mentally formulated goal, one can direct thoughts to the lenses and/or numeric symbols of the device, has been proven. The user's concentration may include thoughts related to provide eternal life, including concentration on being healthy, concentration on having the quality of forecasting controlling or controlling clairvoyance, concentration on rejuvenation, concentration on a certain event in life, etc.
Working in different modes of operation gives extensive results in developing concentration, which is required in many areas of life, including production, operational activities and other activities in industrial areas.
The artificial intelligence function of the three-mode device is implemented, i.e. automatic switching between modes.
The three-mode device of development of concentrations can be used remotely by means of video monitoring of the device by the user, including via the Internet.
The three-mode device of development of concentrations is applicable in various fields related to providing eternal life, such as restoring health, developing the quality of forecasting controlling or controlling clairvoyance, rejuvenation, etc.
The effect of the Patent for invention DEVICE OF DEVELOPMENT OF CONCENTRATIONS OF ETERNAL LIFE PRK-1U IS OF THREE-MODES extends to various modifications of the PRK-1U device and use of PRK-1U in various systems, such modifications as the modified Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1UM of three-modes and systems of 14, 22 and 25 and other numbers of devices.
By the issuance of the Patent for invention of the Device of Development of Concentrations of Eternal Life PRK-1U is of three-modes in accordance with the current law of the United States (35 U.S.C. 101 INVENTIONS PATENTABLE. (Public Law 112-29, sec. 33, 125 Stat. 284 (Sept. 16, 2011)) the following is established:
1. The device is operational and corresponds to the functions stated and set forth in the Detailed Description of the Patent, it is useful.
2. The device is suitable for industrial use.
3. The device is new, since prior to the invention, the device hasn`t been known from the level of world technique.