- During the concentration process, the user can imagine their consciousness as a sphere of sensory elements surrounding their body, with this sphere being held by the user's body itself. In the next stage, the user can imagine that the sphere is transformed into a shape similar to the shape of their body, and that this shape then absorbs the reflected light that comes from the user's body and is projected onto the surface of each sensory element.
- The user can imagine that the radiation of a body-like form contacts the surface of this form and spreads into an infinite external space relative to the user's body. This infinite space is perceived as an eternal reality connected to the user's body, which helps develop concentration on eternal life.
- According to the theory of wave synthesis, reality can be considered as a periodic intersection of stationary regions with dynamic regions, and in the intersection zones, a synthesis of a dynamic wave and a stationary wave occurs.
- Any phenomenon of reality can be defined in the form of optical systems. Human perception of information is carried out by means of light elements that carry an image, which contain information. In the case of information transmission from a person generating thoughts to an optical sensory element, a person can be considered as a transmitting optical device.
- The information generated by a person, expressed in thoughts, is perceived by the optical sensory unit to which these thoughts are directed. Since a thought is an electromagnetic wave, it can be transmitted as an element of the optical system.
-The sensing elements of the optical sensor unit are preferably spherical in shape, since the spherical shape of the element allows for maximum activation due to internal reflection of biological signals. Biological signals, also called bio signals, may include electrical, electromagnetic or non-electric fields, such as brain waves or other signals generated by the human body.
- Three-mode concentration development device detects the generation of biological signals and electromagnetic fields formed from electromagnetic waves generated by the user, in accordance with the principle of universal communication, with the control of the concentration target by artificial intelligence (AI)
- Remote control of the device via the Internet is also possible. The above effect can be realized even for the most remote users or participants due to the presence of an electromagnetic field resulting from the radiation of human thoughts and the parameters of the user's electromagnetic field associated with the electromagnetic field of the planet.
- Certain number sequences can provide the development of concentration on the eternal life of the user.
- In the third operating mode of the device, each switching on of the LED indicator is caused by a physical process inside the converter, which is similar to the process of a powerful impact.
- It is known that the impact has properties similar to the explosive process. There are corresponding physical and mathematical calculations that confirm the theory of wave synthesis of reality, realized in the initial phase of the intersection of static and dynamic waves of reality.
- According to the physical and mathematical equations of this theory, in the initial phase of the intersection of static and dynamic waves of reality, physical processes occur similar to those described by the Big Bang theory.
- According to these physical and mathematical equations, the Big Bang theory is a special case of the wave synthesis theory. The Big Bang is a recognized cosmological model describing the early development of the Universe, namely the beginning of its expansion from a state of singularity.
- According to the Big Bang theory, the further development of the Universe depends on an experimentally measurable parameter - the average density of matter in the modern Universe.
-If the density does not exceed a known critical value, the Universe will expand forever. If the density is greater than the critical value, the expansion process will stop and a reverse phase of compression will begin, leading to a return to the original state of singularity.
- According to modern (2015) observational data, the average density of matter in the Universe is equal to the critical value with high accuracy.
- There are a number of questions that the Big Bang theory does not yet answer, but its basic provisions are confirmed by reliable experimental data, and the current level of theoretical physics allows us to describe quite accurately the evolution of such a system over time, with the exception of the earliest stage - approximately the first hundredth of a second from the moment of the "beginning of the world".
- In the device described in the present invention, the impact is explosive, and the physical principle of the development of such a system in time is realized in accordance with the theory of wave synthesis and its equations, including the initial phase, that is, the “beginning of the world”.
- Physic-mathematical equations that allow calculating the properties of an explosion based on measurements of the parameters of shock waves have been developed and tested in practice.
-The spread of thought radiation, which occurs during the operation of the device together with some elements of the electromagnetic field and the user, in the direction of the reverse flow until it stops, allows contact to be established with the relic radiation associated with the physical structure of eternal reality.
- The reverse cycle, already rarefied by the radiation of human consciousness and controlled by the electromagnetic field, coming from the area of the cosmic microwave background, allows for a decrease in the average density of matter in the Universe, which contributes to the eternal expansion of the Universe, necessary to ensure eternal life for all.
- Thus, developing a focus on eternal life normalizes events in the direction of achieving eternal life for all.
- The cyclical work of the third mode promotes the development of human consciousness in the context of basic management of reality to achieve eternal life and, thanks to interaction with the relic level of radiation, allows for the long-term preservation of residual processes in electromagnetic and other processes.
- After turning off the third mode and activating the first or second laser, the indicated residual processes are intensified.
- Laser radiation within a monochromatic beam is characterized by the presence of many areas with a higher density than neighboring beam elements.
- Increased density creates an effect similar to a denser wave with properties similar to a wave resulting from an explosion.
- Thus, controlled explosive properties improve the characteristics of the physical process that promotes the eternal life of biological organisms in their physical bodies.
- The novelty of the technology is that wave-like physical parameters are formed as a result of an explosion that interacts at the level of the electromagnetic field and monochromatic radiation in the laser beam over a time interval during which residual processes remain after the operation of the third mode of the device.
- This ensures long-term continuous development of target control even at single concentrations and short concentrations.
- Technology that ensures eternal life for everyone, subject to the development of consciousness, which allows a living organism to guarantee eternal life in the physical body of this organism, is currently of priority importance.
- The numerical sequences displayed on the display provide the transition of the electron into an infinite, eternal environment through the SD card and the software of the processor units, according to the process of wave synthesis.
- Thus, the radiation of thoughts transmits information about the purpose of concentration associated with the numerical sequences into an infinite, eternal environment in which the system level of implementation of the purpose exists.
– Although the invention has been described with examples of embodiments, it should be understood that various changes can be made to the design and methods described in this document without departing from the essence and scope of the invention.