Certificates of the PRK-1U device

Certificate from the "Idvorsky Laboratories" of compliance of the device PRK-1U with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations
Certificate from "Vinča Institute" of compliance of the device PRK-1U with safety requirements
CE certificate of conformity of PRK-1U with the provisions of the European Union Directive (LVD) (2014/35/EU)

Certificates of the PRK-1UM device

The name of the utility model according to paragraph 54 of the description:
Ein Gerät zur Entwicklung der Konzentration mit drei Modi.
(Device for development of concentrations three-mode)
Extended title of the utility model according to claim 8 of the description:
Konzentrationsgerät für ewiges Leben PRK-1UM Dreimodusgerät
(Device for concentrations for eternal life three-mode)
Utility model number:
DE 20 2024 103 073 U1
Application filing date:
June 10, 2024.
Registration date: December 13, 2024.
Publication date in the Patent Bulletin: January 23, 2025.

Registration of the PRK-1UM device as a utility model

Grigorii Petrovich Grabovoi registered the "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1UM three-mode" in the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) as a utility model.

When registering, the control principle was used that expands the name of the technical device to the name containing the function for eternal life. This created a precedent, which establishes that, under the name of the equipment there can be a second name containing the function of this equipment for eternal life. This precedent implements the action of collective consciousness in the direction of expanding the equipment with a function for eternal life.
"The device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1UM three-mode" refers to the modification of the "Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-mode", which is written in abbreviated form in the letter "M" (Modified). Therefore, it is also protected by the patent for invention issued to Grigori Grabovoi by the US Patent and Trademark Office on November 19, 2024 with priority from July 9, 2018, since this patent simultaneously with the protection of the PRK-1U, protects in accordance with the description of the patent, also the modifications of the PRK-1U.
Information about the invention patent on the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office.
The verification during the registration of a utility model of the validity of the information provided by Grigori Grabovoi
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The verification during the registration of a utility model of the validity of the information provided by Grigori Grabovoi in the context of existing knowledge and technologies, novelty, inventive step, industrial applicability was carried out according to the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany in accordance with the following legal provisions:

"Expert examination in the context of utility model applications in Germany, in addition to checking the accuracy of the information, also includes checking the validity of the information provided by the applicant. According to German law, experts are required to ensure that the information stated in the documents is not only factual, but also logically justified in the context of existing knowledge and technology.

1.Verification of the validity of information within the framework of the examination
German patent and utility model law requires that examiners assess not only the factual data provided by the applicant, but also their validity. This concerns several key aspects:
* Novelty (Neuerung): In accordance with § 3 of the Utility Model Act
(Gebrauchsmustergesetz, GebrMG) and § 1 of the Patent Law (PatG), an application for a utility model must demonstrate novelty, i.e. the proposal must be new and not obvious to specialists in the relevant field of technology. Expert verification includes an analysis of the extent to which the information provided by the applicant is logically substantiated as new. If the statement of novelty is based on information that is already known or published, such information must be verified and substantiated in terms of novelty.
* Inventive level (Erfindungshöhe): In § 4 of the Utility Model Act (Gebrauchsmustergesetz, GebrMG) it is stated that a utility model must not only be novel, but also have an inventive step, which should not be obvious to specialists in the relevant field. Experts check whether the solutions proposed by the applicant are not obvious and whether they have sufficient logical justification. For example, if the applicant claims that his solution differs from existing technologies, experts assess to what extent this difference has real and practical value.
* Industrial applicability (Industrieanwendbarkeit): According to § 5 of the Utility Model Act (Gebrauchsmustergesetz, GebrMG), the utility model must be industrially applicable. Experts check to what extent the proposed model is justified in terms of its real possibility of application in industry. If the applicant submits statements about applicability, experts must check to what extent this is realistic and logically justified in the context of current technologies and conditions.

2. Evaluation of the technical and legal validity of the declared information
When experts take information from documents submitted by the applicant, they not only compare the facts with known sources, but also evaluate the logical connection between the information provided and existing scientific or technical knowledge. For example:
*If the applicant declares a new method or device, experts check that the declared properties of the method or device logically follow from known technologies and principles. This is important for assessing novelty and inventive step.
* If the applicant claims that his model has certain functionality or characteristics, the experts must ensure that this corresponds to the stated information and is scientifically justified.

3. The review process and validation process
According to § 48 (1) of the Patent Act (PatG), experts from the German Federal Patent Office (DPMA) carry out an examination based on the facts and documents submitted by the applicant. The experts are obliged not only to verify the factual accuracy of the information, but also to assess whether the claimed solution is lawful and justified.
The examination process includes the following steps:
* Verification of applicant's documents: The expert analyzes whether the technical data and information provided by the applicant correspond to the reality and logic of existing technologies.
* Comparison with known solutions: To check novelty and inventive step, experts search for similar solutions in known sources, such as patents and scientific publications.
* Assessment of technical feasibility: Assessors must ensure that the presented solutions logically develop from existing knowledge and technologies.

4. Legal aspects of checking the validity of information
*Principles of good faith: According to § 7 Patent Act (PatG), the applicant is obliged to provide accurate and truthful information. The examiner is obliged to check that the information provided is lawful and does not violate the principle of good faith.
* Duties of the examiner: The examiner must carefully check all declared technical and legal aspects to ensure that the application not only complies with formal requirements but also actually reflects legitimate innovations.

Thus, when examining applications for utility models in Germany, experts not only check the factual accuracy of the information provided by the applicant, but also analyze the validity of this information in the context of existing knowledge and technology. They assess to what extent the claimed solutions are new, logically justified, and applicable, and check their compliance with technical and legal standards.”

In accordance with German law (§ 48 (1) Patent Act (PatG)) the information recorded in the utility model is checked for accuracy, which proves the accuracy of the following information recorded in the utility model DE 20 2024 103 073 U1:

ISO Certificates

Certificate of Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018
( about ISO 45001:2018)
Certificate of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 ( about ISO 9001:2015)
ISO 13485 : 2016 Certificate of compliance of medical devices and manufacturing with the requirements of the EN ISO 13485 Standard (about ISO 13485:2016)
Certificate of Energy Management Systems ISO 50001: 2018 protecting the environment (about ISO 50001:2018)
Certificate of the International Standard for Information Security Management System ISO 27001:2013
( about ISO 27001:2013)
Certificate of Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001:2015 (about ISO 14001:2015)