The device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-mode

The Device of development of concentrations PRK-1U three-mode is a perfectly new type of technique – the technique of developing concentrations and achieving everything that is needed for an accelerated qualitative solving tasks of eternal harmonious development. The PRK-1U is based on two patents by Grigori Grabovoi: "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization" and "Information-Carrying System".
Grigori Grabovoi
Grigori Grabovoi
"And if it is considered that the technique will develop infinitely, technical elements will be improving, then in order that humanity as a species lives eternally, and every single person lives eternally, it is necessary, of course, that there are assistants of such, for instance, type as the Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U, which could in a peculiar way, as if, teach how to think in a necessary perspective, help think, and in the future, as any knowledge, such the characteristic of thought, that is obtained with the device, it remains with a person as knowledge, which makes this type of interaction with such the technique as the PRK-1U absolutely invaluable."
The PRK-1U devices are based on:
Controlling through consciousness
The PRK-1U device is completely adapted to human consciousness and is controlled by his consciousness
Absolute safety
Intensifying controlling through consciousness
The PRK-1U device intensifies concentrations of creative thoughts and develops them towards eternal life.
Development of consciousness
Due to its complete adaption to consciousness, the PRK-1U device is the safest technique in the world.
By concentration on the PRK-1U device, human consciousness is developed, his development in the creative direction is realized.
Matter of eternal life
Providing for eternal life
The PRK-1U device releases matter of eternity which positively impacts as a man, so the environment.
By a systemic concentration on the PRK-1U device, all conditions for eternal harmonious development of a certain person and of all is realized.
Based on and in accordance with patents "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization", where normalization of a controlling impulse, which is generated by a person as an element of his consciousness, as glow of thought, is realized, and also, in accordance with the patent "Information-Carrying System", I have created the Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U three-mode.
Grigori Grabovoi
Patents for inventions
Familiarizing with descriptions of patents for inventions by Grigori Grabovoi will help you better understand how the PRK-1U device is arranged and how it works. The PRK-1U device is created on the basis of patents by Grigori Grabovoi "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization" and "Information-Carrying System".
For instance, if you consider my patent "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization", then it is evident there, that there is a possibility of creating a biosignal. This is registered in the patent. When a person directs a biosignal, for instance, as his thought, then power of the device is many times, and sometimes even incomparable on logical level, for instance there for a million times, for a specific goal of controlling, increased, because it is possible, for instance, to reduce magnitude of an earthquake.
Grigori Grabovoi
Universal controlling
The PRK-1U device develops following concentrations of eternal life for:
Any event
You choose any creative event for its realization or harmonization as the goal of controlling. It's desirable to regularly carry out controlling for macro salvation.
Controlling clairvoyance
Controlling forecasting
With the device you develop spiritual power to the level of controlling forecasting, with which the goal you achieve is determined as a confirmed forecast.
With the device you develop ability of controlling clairvoyance, when, by your willpower, an event changes for better, without fixating its possible unfavourability, not even in information.
Development of concentrations for rejuvenation is realized in all its characteristic features, such as rejuvenation for skin, for inner condition of organism, for events.
Working with the PRK-1U device
On the upper surface of the device, there are three lenses. Working with the device occurs with concentration of human thoughts on lenses of the device. Thought contains goal of concentration.
Concentration for the present and future time
Action of concentration for the present and future time is produced by concentration on lenses of the device, starting from the lens of smaller diameter and proceeding to the next lenses in a counter-clockwise direction.
Concentration for events of the past
With concentrations related to events of the past, circulating movement of thought of a concentration is carried out clockwise from the lens of smaller diameter to the lens of a bigger diameter. And the beam of concentration, at the same time, wasn't above, as for the concentration for the present and future time, but from the side of the internal optical unit of the device.
Concentration with number sequences
Beside the lenses, there are numbers, on which one can concentrate for intensifying the effect in achieving goals by using number sequences given by Grigori Grabovoi. In this case, the concentration is realized first on the number, and then on the lens beside.
The PRK-1U device, along with the connected web account with a 24/7 working PRK-1U device, becomes an individual system of controlling, which helps a person, right in a forecasting-oriented, among other things, phase, on the account of generating the matter of eternal life, which is generated in the device, create those events that have this aspect of eternity and, in its essence and essentially, provide for eternal life.
Grigori Grabovoi
Restrictions in concentrations on the PRK-1U device are none.
The PRK-1U device can be used by any person regardless of age.
The PRK-1U device develops concentrations of a creative direction.
The PRK-1U device is absolutely safe both for the people and for the environment.
Since any task of controlling with a technical device, that develops concentrations of eternal life, consists in the fact, that person and events of that certain person are always higher, and technical devices – they are always only that, which helps, at that it helps all. The development of concentrations of eternal life happens with the simultaneous improvement from the point of view of providing for eternal life for all by event construction.
Grigori Grabovoi
Results of using PRK-1U
Results of using PRK-1U
It is here important to note the two-level order, determined in such way, of realization of the device actions: the first level – directly to the goal of controlling, and the second level – control over realization exactly in the direction of eternal life.
Grigori Grabovoi
With the activity of Grigori Grabovoi – with his works, methods and his PRK-1U devices, we got all the conditions and all the necessary possibilities to develop harmoniously and to achieve very fast everything that is necessary for solving exactly the tasks of eternal life. At the present stage of civilization development, it is an essentially important task for humanity. In the current conditions of life, we shouldn't be lazy, and sometimes it is simply necessary to actively, as much as possible, accept conscious participation in one's own development.
Instructional video about the PRK-1U device.
Find out everything that you are interested in about the PRK-1U in a single video
To control one's own life and to harmoniously eternally develop – is now reality!
Device systems of this type, they simply help people gain the amount of knowledge necessary for eternal life in a necessary time, and therefore they can under no circumstances be harmful.
Grigori Grabovoi
The absolute safety of the PRK-1U device is confirmed by various tests and certificates on safety of the device for the people and environment.
Certificates of the PRK-1U device
Term for 4 years / 1 participant
With remote access to the device
Remote access to 3 devices

Access to the internet library

Selected materials on USB flash drive
With delivery of the device with diamonds
Term for 4 years / up to 8 participants
Remote access to 3 devices

Access to the internet library

All materials on USB flash drive

The PRK-1U device with diamonds
With delivery of the device
Term for 4 years / up to 8 participants
Remote access to 3 devices

Access to the internet library

All materials on USB flash drive

The PRK-1U device
The PRK-1U device is provided for using along with the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of a sublicense agreement. Currently, there are three types of sublicense agreements PRK-1U:
How to obtain a PRK-1U device?
And why it is named – exactly of concentrations that are related to eternal life - because the device releases the frequency spectrum that corresponds exactly to vibrational characteristics of macro matter, i.e. of the structure of eternity. I.e. the device releases, in essence, the field characteristic of eternity.
Grigori Grabovoi
USB flash drive with the Education Program
Depending on the type of a sublicense agreement, you will obtain USB flash drive either with all, or with the selected materials of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi. On the USB flash drive there are textual, audio and video materials in various languages that are available in the Education Center.
Access to the library
Access to the internet library of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi is for four years. In the library, the works both in Russian, and the constantly supplemented translations in various languages, are available.
The 24/7 remote web access to three devices PRK-1U (including the stationary unit) for all participants of an agreement for the term of four years. The remote access can be used on any device and at any place with internet.
Remote access to the PRK-1U device
What will you obtain
Based on a sublicense agreement PRK-1U, you will obtain:
The Device of development of concentrations PRK-1U (with sublicense agreements with device delivery). After the expiration of an agreement, the physical device remains with you for further use. The device can be used by up to 8 persons, specified by the agreement.
Physical device PRK-1U
And those concentrations, that are given and that will be given in the materials of the Teaching, in working with them with the PRK-1U, you also, accordingly, obtain the corresponding intensification of the very concentrations and their development. Therefore, actually, the very educational program can be and, as a rule, in that case, is mastered significantly faster. At the same time, this allows carrying out creative concentrations for yours any other goals and controlling of the creative type.
Grigori Grabovoi
The PRK-1U devices, configured to medical profiles
Also, the Devices of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U, configured to medical profiles, are created, including the devices with the function of rejuvenation and realization of events which provide for eternal life to all. At the present, there are five such devices for general access via website (the website is temporarily down for technical reasons).

The elaboration of the devices on all medical profiles that are included in the book "Restoration of the Human Organism through Concentration on Numbers", created by Grigori Grabovoi, continues. The use of these devices relates to the field of education, self-development and does not restrict the use of medicine.
In the practice in using a PRK-1U device, numerous information flows arise, i.e. some kinds of the succeeding new informational systems may arise that allow you to deeper comprehend what is happening in some kinds of particular issues and, due to this, make a more correct decision in controlling.
Grigori Grabovoi
Answers to your questions
Warning before using the PRK-1U device
Additional information about the PRK-1U device
Information about the PRK-1UM device
Description and methodologies of working with the PRK-1U device (booklet)
Information about the PRK-1U device
Video testimonies about the results of testing the PRK-1U devices
Patents inventions according to which PRK-1U and PRK-1UM are manufactured
Certificates and documents for PRK-1U and PRK-1UM
Results of people who use the PRK-1U device
Conclusions and expertises
Evidences of the effectiveness of the PRK-1U
The Inventor of the Device PRK–1U:
Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi

The Producer of the device:

The Individual Entrepreneur "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT" acting on the basis of the Certificate of State Registration of the physical person Grigori Grabovoi as the Individual Entrepreneur №63983276 from 21.09.2015, issued by the Business Registers Agency of the Republic of Serbia.
Important information: The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.

No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.
Important information: The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.

No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.