The device PRK-1U testing guidelines

During the testing of the device of development of concentrations PRK-1U it is suggested that the concentrations be performed in the following way:
First concentrate on a localized spot or region of your body that needs normalizing. Then the same concentration can be done for other spots or regions. After that you can concentrate on any desired event.
Control 1:
Development of eternal life concentrations for ANY EVENT
Control 2:
Development of eternal life concentrations for CONTROL CLAIRVOYANCE
First you apply control clairvoyance to see in the current time the room or the place you left or visited a few hours ago. After that you can apply control clairvoyance for any event. It is advisable that the aim of control you set is the aim that you really want to achieve. While viewing the event in the course of the concentration on control clairvoyance you can correct the event at the same time, if need be. This is because control clairvoyance differs from ordinary clairvoyance in that control clairvoyance, when applied for event viewing, at the same time corrects, improves, if needed, the events to ensure eternal life.
Control 3:
Development of eternal life concentrations for CONTROL FORECASTING
Control 4:
Development of concentrations of eternal life for REJUVENATION
You can perform concentration for your own rejuvenation; after that - for rejuvenation of other people. If you think that you are young and thus do not need to work on rejuvenation yet, then you need to practice this concentration for training. Then in the future, when you do want to rejuvenate yourself, you will already know how to do it. During this concentration you can visualize yourself at the desired age and in the course of the concentration feel it to the point that you really perceive yourself being that age.
Control forecasting concentration should also include the following aim of control: with the help of the device, to develop consciousness and spirit so that eventually you can do without the device, using only your developed spirit and consciousness.

You can by developing concentrations for ensuring eternal life to all, view a more distant future. While viewing it, you can at this very time, if needed, correct the events.
The principle of work with the PRK-1U device. The mechanism of operation of the device
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About the device of development of concentrations PRK-1U
Methods of concentration with the device of development of concentrations PRK-1U
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