Sublicense agreements for the Education Program with using the PRK-1U device
Term for 4 years / 1 participant
With remote access to the device
Remote access to 3 devices
Access to the internet library
Selected materials on USB flash drive
With delivery of the device with diamonds
Term for 4 years / up to 8 participants
Remote access to 3 devices
Access to the internet library
All materials on USB flash drive
The PRK-1U device with diamonds
With delivery of the device
Term for 4 years / up to 8 participants
Remote access to 3 devices
Access to the internet library
All materials on USB flash drive
The PRK-1U device
The PRK-1U device is provided for using along with the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on the basis of a sublicense agreement. Currently, there are three types of sublicense agreements PRK-1U.
The sublicense agreement on the Education Program of Grigori Grabovoi with remote access to the PRK-1U device
In order to be able to use the PRK-1U that works 24/7 in real time, via the Internet, it is necessary, with the Individual Entrepreneur GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT or with the Distributor, to sign a sublicense agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi with the Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U with a remote access to the device.
The sublicense agreement with a remote access to the device PRK-1U is signed by a single participant of the agreement for a period of four years.
Prior to the signing of the sublicense agreement, it is necessary to test the PRK-1U device remotely, via the Internet.
What will you obtain?
According on the sublicense agreement with a remote access to the PRK-1U device you will obtain:
The access to the internet library of the works by Grigori Grabovoi in all languages available in the library of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi for a period of four years.
A 24/7 remote access through video monitoring three devices PRK-1U (the device with individual settings, operating in the third mode, the device operating in the second mode and the stationary unit) in the real time via the Internet for a period of four years.
USB flash drive with the selected works by Grigori Grabovoi and translations on the Training Program of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi, which is sent to you by post.
Access to the internet library
Selected works
Remote access to the PRK-1U
Price under the agreement (can be paid immediately or in instalments within 6 months)
Years (the term, to which the sublicense agreement is signed)
Agreement participant
Video-monitoring that enables to develop the concentrations by using the 24/7 working device can be done from any location, where the Internet is available and via any hardware e.g. РС, laptop, iPad, smartphone etc.
By using this device, it is possible to develop concentrations set forth in the materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi and, on these basis, to develop other concentrations for creative purposes.
Information about the PRK-1U device
Video testimonies about the results of testing the PRK-1U devices
Before signing a sublicense agreement with the PRK-1U, it is necessary to test the device online and make sure that the device really develops concentrations.
Testing protocol and an application
After testing the device, it is necessary to fill in the testing protocol and an application for signing a sublicense agreement that you've chosen and send it to us by mail.
The sublicense agreement
On your email, you will receive an agreement, which needs to be signed. A scan of the signed agreement must be sent by email, and the original by post.
You will receive immediately (for the full payment according the agreement) or within 6 months (for payment in instalments) all the intellectual property, specified in the agreement.
The documents required for signing the Sublicense Agreement and testing the PRK-1U device
The testing of the PRK-1U device as part of the group of applicants shows that all of those, who have carried out the testing, have very good immediate results of using the device. I.e. an important characteristic of the device, such as consistency in operating of the device, is functioning. This characteristic was implemented by Grigori Grabovoi on constructing the device, since everyone should be able to live eternally.
To conclude a sublicense agreement for granting of the right to use the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi with the PRK-1U device, it is necessary to fill in an application and undergo online testing of the PRK-1U device.
During the testing, each participant can see for himself that strength of concentrations, when using the device, and strength of controlling significantly increase.
Testing of the PRK-1U device is carried out by our Attorneys, who have special knowledge in training how to work with the device. You can either independently contact an Attorney, who conducts the training in your language or contact us by email and we will help you contact an Attorney, who speaks your language.
If the person who goes through the testing signs the agreement, this amount (100 EUR) for testing is deducted from the payment for his agreement.
Online testing of the PRK-1U device
Testing of the PRK-1U device (which lasts 90 minutes) is paid, the price is 100 euros. In order to pass the testing, we will need information (your name, surname, date of birth) for individual settings for the PRK-1U device, which you will send us and the Attorney and agree on the date of testing with him.
A new opportunity to conduct free testing of the device for the development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U for 2 days via the Internet.
The test protocol and the application
After passing the test, you must fill out the test protocol and the application for signing the sublicense agreement that you have chosen and send it to us or our Attorney by email.
After you have passed the testing of the PRK-1U device and sent us the completed test protocol along with the application, you will receive an agreement form with the agreement number and the date of signing by e-mail. After filling out and signing the agreement, you send the agreement in scanned form to Send the original agreement to the postal address of the Individual Entrepreneur:
Signing the sublicense agreement
Total cost of a sublicense agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi with a modified Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U with a remote access to the device is 1212 EUR.
Since you have paid 100 EUR for participation in the online webcast of the device for the testing, after concluding the agreement you must pay 1112 EUR.
You can pay either the whole amount under the agreement, or by parts within 6 months.
Payment under the agreement
The Individual Entrepreneur "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT" within 6 (six) months from the date of payment (in full or part-payment):
gives the Sublicensee the selected materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on the magnetic storage,
provide remote Internet access to the device of developed on the basis of patents by Grigori Grabovoi of concentration of PRK-1U, developed on the basis of Grigori Grabovoi's patents: "Information-Carrying System" and "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization".
the access to Education Center e-library is provided to the sub-licensee.
Immediately after the payment (in full or part-payment):
Efficiency of PRK-1U
Efficiency of the device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U has been objectively established and is confirmed by the following:
In order to ensure eternal life, the transfer of the area of reproduction of the stationary phase of reality into the wave of a dynamic reality is implemented when PRK-1U is applied by the development of the following concentrations, which create the dynamic phase of reality: for rejuvenation, any event, controlling clairvoyance and forecasting. Created by Grigori Grabovoi the device PRK-1U, in accordance with the principles and technologies described in his publication, always works creatively and can be used any number of times.
All materials of this publication were checked and confirmed by the numerous staff of doctors of physics and mathematics, and engineering sciences who were the members of the editorial board of the journal "Electronic Engineering".
The video testimonials of testing of the device with systematically good results, achieved without exception and recorded in the testimonials of 128 participants of the testing (*in 2016).
The sublicense agreement on the Education Program of Grigori Grabovoi with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device
In order to be able to use the physical device PRK-1U together with a device that works around the clock in real time remotely via the Internet, you need to sign a sublicense agreement with the Individual Entrepreneur GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT or with the Distributor for granting the right to use the Training Program for the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi with a modified device for the development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U with remote access to the device and with the delivery of the device.
The sublicense agreement with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device is signed by one party to the agreement, which will be the Sublicensee (maximum 8 participants in the agreement) for a period of four years.
Prior to signing the sublicense agreement, it is necessary to test the PRK-1U device remotely via the Internet.
After the expiration of the agreement, the physical device PRK-1U remains with you for further use.
What will you get?
On the basis of a sublicense agreement with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device, you will receive:
Access to the Internet library of the works by Grigori Grabovoi in all languages that are available in the library of the Educational Center of Grigori Grabovoi for a period of four years.
Round-the-clock remote access via video surveillance of three devices PRK-1U (a device with individual settings operating in the third mode, a device operating in the second mode and a stationary unit) in real time via the Internet for a period of four years.
USB flash drive with all works by Grigori Grabovoi and translations of the Training Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, which are available in the Education Center.
Access to the Internet Library
All works
Remote access to PRK-1U
The PRK-1U (method and cost of delivery of the device is agreed upon additionally).
The PRK-1U device
Sublicense agreement with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device
Agreement value (you can pay immediately or in installments within 6 months)
years (the term for which the sublicense agreement is signed)
Agreement participants
Sublicense agreement with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device with diamonds
Agreement value (you can pay immediately or in installments within 6 months)
years (the term for which the sublicense agreement is signed)
Agreement participants
Video-monitoring that enables to develop the concentrations by using the 24/7 working device can be done from any location, where the Internet is available and via any hardware e.g. РС, laptop, iPad, smartphone etc.
By using this device, it is possible to develop concentrations set forth in the materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi and, on these basis, to develop other concentrations for creative purposes.
In accordance with the technologies of eternal life, according to which the provision of eternal life must occur independently of any circumstances, in the case of mechanical or other damage to the physical device PRK-1U, which you will use by sublicense agreement that includes the shipment of the device, you can always connect via the Internet to a stationary unit of the device. Moreover, you can use the online version of the device simultaneously with a mobile unit that will be near you in cases of the necessity to accelerate and enhance the development of the concentrations of eternal life. You can also use the stationary unit via the Internet with the same efficiency as the mobile unit, when, for example, you are on a trip and it is not convenient to carry a mobile unit with you. Since, according to the patent "Information-Carrying System", the distance to the stationary unit does not matter.
In addition, the stationary unit will undergo scheduled maintenance, continue in the second adjustment period, individually adjusted depending on the usage data of the devices, and all improvements and upgrades will be immediately introduced into the stationary unit, which provides continuous Internet access to the newest device model with current modifications. At a certain level of work with devices in the fourth window of your account Ivideon, providing remote web access to devices, an individually configured device can be added, taking into account your educational process. All the following modifications of the devices always retain the functions and characteristics of the first device and add modifications that increase the power of the device.
Information about the PRK-1U device
Video testimonies about the results of testing the PRK-1U devices
Before signing a sublicense agreement with the PRK-1U, it is necessary to test the device online and make sure that the device really develops concentrations.
Testing protocol and an application
After testing the device, it is necessary to fill in the testing protocol and an application for signing a sublicense agreement that you've chosen and send it to us by mail.
The sublicense agreement
On your email, you will receive an agreement, which needs to be signed. A scan of the signed agreement must be sent by email, and the original by post.
You will receive immediately (for the full payment according the agreement) or within 6 months (for payment in instalments) all the intellectual property, specified in the agreement.
The documents required for signing the Sublicense Agreement and testing the PRK-1U device
The testing of the PRK-1U device as part of the group of applicants shows that all of those, who have carried out the testing, have very good immediate results of using the device. I.e. an important characteristic of the device, such as consistency in operating of the device, is functioning. This characteristic was implemented by Grigori Grabovoi on constructing the device, since everyone should be able to live eternally.
To conclude a sublicense agreement for granting of the right to use the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi with the PRK-1U device, it is necessary to fill in an application and undergo online testing of the PRK-1U device.
During the testing, each participant can see for himself that strength of concentrations, when using the device, and strength of controlling significantly increase.
Testing of the PRK-1U device is carried out by our Attorneys, who have special knowledge in training how to work with the device. You can either independently contact an Attorney, who conducts the training in your language or contact us by email and we will help you contact an Attorney, who speaks your language.
If the person who goes through the testing signs the agreement, this amount (100 EUR) for testing is deducted from the payment for his agreement.
Online testing of the PRK-1U device
Testing of the PRK-1U device (which lasts 90 minutes) is paid, the price is 100 euros. In order to pass the testing, we will need information (your name, surname, date of birth) for individual settings for the PRK-1U device, which you will send us and the Attorney and agree on the date of testing with him.
A new opportunity to conduct free testing of the device for the development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U for 2 days via the Internet.
The test protocol and the application
After passing the test, you must fill out the test protocol and the application for signing the sublicense agreement that you have chosen and send it to us or our Attorney by email.
After you have passed the testing of the PRK-1U device and sent us the completed test protocol along with the application, you will receive an agreement form with the agreement number and the date of signing by e-mail. After filling out and signing the agreement, you send the agreement in scanned form to Send the original agreement to the postal address of the Individual Entrepreneur:
Signing the sublicense agreement
Payment under the agreement
Total cost of a sublicense agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi with the device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U with remote access to the device and the delivery of the device is 9.700 EUR.
Since you have paid 100 EUR for participation in the online webcast of the device for the testing, for concluding the agreement you must pay 9600 EUR, if 1 person was tested).
If, from 2 to 8 people (from the list of sub-licensees for a particular agreement) made payments for participation in the online broadcast for testing, the amount of payment under the agreement is reduced by the amount paid for testing:
You may pay either immediately the full amountunder the agreementor in instalments within 6 months.
The payment must be made so that the entire bank commission is at the expense of the sublicensee (i.e. your expense) to the account of the Individual Entrepreneur "Grigorii Grabovoi PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT", the precise amount, specified in the agreement must come.
Payment under the agreement with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device
Payment under the sublicense agreement for granting the right to use the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi with the modified Device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U, with the remote access to the device and with delivery of the device is 10.700 euros.
Since you paid 100 euros for participation in an online webcast of the device for testing, for conclusion of the agreement you have to pay 10,600 euros, if one person was tested.
If, from 2 to 8 people (from the list of sublicensees for a particular agreement) made payments for participation in the online broadcast for testing, the amount of payment under the agreement is reduced by the amount paid for testing:
You may pay either immediately the full amount under the agreementor in instalments within 6 months.
The payment must be made so that the entire bank commission is at the expense of the sublicensee (i.e. your expense) to the account of the Individual Entrepreneur "Grigorii Grabovoi PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT", the precise amount, specified in the agreement must come.
Payment under the agreement with remote access to the PRK-1U device and with the delivery of the device with diamonds
The Individual Entrepreneur "GRIGORII GRABOVOI PR KONSALTING TECHNOLOGIES OF ETERNAL DEVELOPMENT" within 6 (six) months from the date of payment (in full or part-payment):
gives the Sublicensee the all materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi on the magnetic storage,
provide remote Internet access to the device of developed on the basis of patents by Grigori Grabovoi of concentration of PRK-1U, developed on the basis of Grigori Grabovoi's patents: "Information-Carrying System" and "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization".
Access to the internet library of the Education Center.
Gives immediately after the payment under the agreement (in full or part-payment):
Gives the Sublicensee the device PRK-1U (the method and the cost of delivery of the device are specified additionally).
Efficiency of PRK-1U
Efficiency of the device of development of concentrations of eternal life PRK-1U has been objectively established and is confirmed by the following:
In order to ensure eternal life, the transfer of the area of reproduction of the stationary phase of reality into the wave of a dynamic reality is implemented when PRK-1U is applied by the development of the following concentrations, which create the dynamic phase of reality: for rejuvenation, any event, controlling clairvoyance and forecasting. Created by Grigori Grabovoi the device PRK-1U, in accordance with the principles and technologies described in his publication, always works creatively and can be used any number of times.
All materials of this publication were checked and confirmed by the numerous staff of doctors of physics and mathematics, and engineering sciences who were the members of the editorial board of the journal "Electronic Engineering".
The video testimonials of testing of the device with systematically good results, achieved without exception and recorded in the testimonials of 128 participants of the testing (*in 2016).
Important information: The PRK-1U device is not a medical device and in no way limits your right to consult doctors in state-licensed medical institutions and does not exclude or replace the treatment prescribed by these doctors.
No one can give you 100% guarantee of getting any results when using the PRK-1U device, as well as text, audio and video materials of the Education Program on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.